What A The Difference Strike vs Spare, How To Score

After you have learned how to bowl, scoring is an important skill. Scoring indoor bowling is more difficult than other indoor games. You need to be able to understand everything so you don’t have to rely on the computers at the bowling centers. Although automatic scoring systems have made life easier for bowlers, it is still important to understand the basics of scoring. This will help you set your goal more accurately and you will be able to achieve it. Continue reading to learn more about strikes and spares, and other topics.

How Many Frames are There in Bowling?

A game of bowling balls is made up of 10 frames. The 9 frames allow you to deliver the bowling ball twice, except for the 10-th frame. This means that you can knock down 10 pins in each frame. The scoring rules for the 10th frame differ from the previous. You might have a spare, and you’ll get another delivery. If you are able to score a strike, two additional deliveries will be yours. There won’t be additional delivery if you leave the frame open (no spare, strike) after the second two deliveries.

Strike vs Spare

What is the Point System for Bowling?

The goal is easy. It is easy to score as many pins as possible. If you get all strikes, the highest score is 300

Open Frame Scoring

Open Frame Scoring is the most common scoring scenario. An Open frame is when a bowler fails to hit all ten pins (between 0 and 9 pins). The bowler will receive points for each pin they have just knocked down, regardless of whether there was a preceding spare and strike. If a bowler starts a game by knocking out 6 pins on the first roll of a round and 3 on the second ball roll, they will receive 9 points.

Scoring after a Spare

Most people are familiar with the fact that the number of pins a bowler gets is proportional to the number of turns he or she has taken down. The scoring calculations of a spare bowler aren’t as clear. A spare is a bowler who uses both their rolls to knock down 10 pins in a turn. In such cases, the bowler gets 10 points for knocking out all 10 pins.

Scoring after a Spare

The bowler also earns double points for their first roll the next turn. For example, a frame 1 bowler knocks down 8 pins in her first turn and then knocks down the last 2 pins with her next role. The same bowler also knocks down six pins on her first roll, and two on her next. The bowler receives 16 points in Frame 1. (10 from the spare and 6 from her next roll). The bowler also received 8 points for removing 8 pins. This brings the total score of the bowler to 24 after the first two frames.

After a Strike

A strike is another scoring scenario that requires slightly different calculations. A strike in bowling is when a bowler knocks down all of the 10 pins on a single roll. In such situations, the bowler gets 10 points for knocking all 10 pins down in a single roll. However, they also get double points for their next 2 rolls. Frame 1: A bowler who knocks down all 10 pins on his initial roll earns a strike. The same bowler also knocks down 5 pins in frames 2 and 4 on his second roll. The bowler receives 19 points for Frame 1. (10 from the strike plus 9 from the sum of the next two rolls). The bowler also receives 9 points for putting down 9 pins during frame 2, which brings his total score up to 28.

What is a Strike in Bowling?

A “strike” is when a bowler hits all 10 pins using the bowling balls within the first frame. A bowler can strike again by throwing the ball two more times. The scores of the 2 nd, 3 rd shots, and the strike’s score are added together.

What is the Cost of a Bowling Strike?

You earn 10 points for every strike if you add the sum of the next two balls. The points you score for the two last balls after the strike are added together twice. A strike is usually represented as an X on score screens or score sheets. Let’s suppose you hit 10 pins in your first delivery. You’ll then have two additional chances to knock down 10 pins in each frame. Your score for a single frame is 30.

Are Strikes More Valuable than Spares?

Yes, strikes can be more valuable than spares. Because if you strike during the first frame delivery, your score on the next two rolls gets added to the 10 points as an additional bonus. If you roll the ball twice and have a spare worth 10, you only get one roll, and the number you knockdown with the spare points is added to your score. For clarity, if you strike every single time you deliver the ball during your entire game, the highest score is 300 (30 scores per frame). What if there’s no strike? If you score spare every shot, your highest score will be 190.


What is the Difference Between 3 Strikes in Succession?

When it comes to naming spares and strikes, bowling has one the most distinctive terminologies. A string of three strikes means that you have knocked down 10 pins consecutively with your bowling ball three times. Bowlers refer to a “Turkey” when there are three consecutive strikes. They are often called “Sizzling Turkey” if the three consecutive strikes occur in the first three frames.

What are 4 Strikes in One Row?

We call it “Hambone” when a player has scored 4 consecutive strikes. Rob Stone, a bowling broadcaster, first introduced this terminology. Four consecutive strikes are sometimes called “Fourbagger”, as well.

What are 5 Strikes in One Row?

Let’s suppose you’ve rolled strike five times in a row, and the scoreboard shows 5 consecutive ‘X’s. What do you call this? According to bowling lingo, this is called ‘Brat’. It’s named after the five bratwursts that are in each pack. Five strikes in succession are sometimes called ‘Yahtzee” or ‘Fivebagger’.

What are 6 Strikes in One Row?

Congratulations if you score six consecutive strikes! Six consecutive strikes are known as ‘Wild Turkey’. It is also known as ‘Six-pack’, ‘Sixer’, or ‘Sixbagger’ by some bowlers. Wild Turkey is a name that explains how your game is going.

What are 7 Strikes in One Row?

Keep going strong, and keep the energy up if Wild Turkey is already won. After seven consecutive strikes, you’ll be served a metaphoric dinner. You will recall that 3 strikes in succession are called “Turkey” and 4 are called “Hambone”. Add 3 and 4 to get 7. Seven strikes in succession are known as ‘Ham-Turkey Dinner. You can also call it ‘Seven-bagger or ‘Front seven.

What is the Difference Between 12 Strikes in One Row?

The term “Perfect Game” may be familiar to you. If you score 300 points, a bowling game is considered perfect. This is a rare feat and one of the most important achievements for a bowler. A player must perform 12 strikes consecutively to score 300 points. It is also known as a “Perfect Game”. There is nothing more perfect than 300 points.

Do You Ever Bowl Again After a Hit?

If you hit all 10 pins in the lane at the end of your first frame delivery, you will get a strike. You will see an X on the scoreboard. You will get two more chances to bowl the ball on the lane as a reward for previous strikes. With the first 10 points, the points from the next 2 deliveries are added. You can bowl again after a strike.

Do You Ever Bowl Again After a Hit?

What is a Spare in Bowling?

To indicate that bowlers have accumulated 10 pins in a single delivery, the term “spare” is used. A spare is a bowler who has knocked down 10 pins in consecutive deliveries.

What is the Value of a Spare in Bowling?

You can also earn 10 points for a spare (similar to strike), along with the sum from the next ball delivery. You can roll again, but not twice, unlike strike. For example, let’s say you have 8 pins down and then you see that there are 2 more on the other side of the lane. You throw your ball again, and this time you hit the 2 remaining pins. Congratulations! Congratulations! This will be noted on the score sheet (or score screen) with a “/” (slash mark).

How do You Score When you Have all the Spares?

Let’s just say that you did not strike even once during the entire game. You also didn’t keep any frames open. What do you think the maximum score is without any strike? Well, it’s 190 points. You do not get two extra chances per frame if you score a spare. You only get one chance. If you have a spare, your score will be 190 points. This is the maximum you can achieve without a strike. To get 190 points you must first knock down 9 pins, then the rest in the next delivery. You’ll need to do this throughout the game.

What Happens if you Have a Spare in the Tenth Frame?

The scoring system for the 10-th frame differs from the 9 preceding frames. Let’s say you have rolled a spare on the 10-th frame. What do you expect to happen? First, let’s clarify one thing: it takes two shots to score a spare. After scoring a spare, you’ll get an additional shot. This will be your last shot. The 10 points earned from rolling a spare will be added to the score.

Basics of Bowling

A game of bowling is made up of 10 frames. The minimum score is zero, and the maximum score is 300. Each frame offers two chances to score ten pin bowling. We use “pins”, in bowling, instead of “points” or “runs”.

Strikes and Spares

A strike is when you knock down all ten pins with your first ball. This is denoted by an “X” on the scoresheet. It’s called a spare if it takes you two attempts to knock down all the pins. This is denoted with a /.

Open Frames

Open frames are those in which at least one pin remains standing after two shots. Open frames are valued at face value. Strikes and spares, however, can be worth much more than face value.

How to Score a Strike

A strike is worth 10 plus the value of your next two rolls.

Your score for each frame in which you throw strikes will be at most 10 (10+0+0). Your next two shots should be strikes. The frame will have a value of 30 (10+10+10).

How to Score a Strike

Let’s say you throw a strike in the first frame. Technically, there is no score. To get your frame score, you will need to throw 2 more balls. You will need to throw two more balls in the second frame. Your score for the first frame is 18 (10+6+2).

How to Get a Spare

10 spares are worth the cost of your next roll.

Let’s say you throw a spare ball in your first frame. Next, throw a 7. The score for the first frame is 17 (10+7).

A spare frame is a score that is greater than 20. This is a spare followed with a strike. The minimum score is 10, which is a spare followed gutter ball.

How to Score an Open Frame

Your score is the number that you get pins knocked down in a given frame. Your score for the frame is seven if you get five pins down on your first ball, and two on your second.

Frame-by-Frame Illustration

  1. A strike is 10 plus the next two shots. Your next two shots (the second frames) resulted as a spare. 10+10=20.
  2. Next frame. You threw a spare which equals 10 plus your next shot. The third frame was your next shot. It was a 7. This frame’s value is 17 (10+7). Add the second frame to get 37.
  3. An open frame is equal to the number that you have pins knocked down. 7+2=9. Add 37 to get 46.
  4. Fourth frame. You have another spare. Add your next shot (from frame five-a strike) to get 20 (10+10). Add 46 to get 66.
  5. Fifth frame. Two strikes, then a strike. 10+10+10 = 30, bringing you to 96.
  6. Strike, followed by strike and 2. 10+10+2=22. Now you’re at 118.
  7. A strike followed by a 2 or 3. Your score is 133 if you add 10+2+3=15
  8. An open frame. 2+3=5. Now you’re at 138.
  9. A spare followed by a 7 for the tenth frame. 10+7=17, which brings you to 155.
  10. The score is rounded off by a spare and a 3. 10+3=13 = 168.

The Tenth Frame

Three shots were taken in the tenth frame of the sample score. This is due to the bonus points for spares and strikes. To determine the strike’s total value, throw two more shots if you are able to strike only the first ball you see in the tenth frame.

To determine the value of your spare, throw it on the first two balls in the tenth frame. This is known as a filling ball.

You won’t get another shot if you throw an open frame in your tenth frame. Only the strike or spare value is determined by the third shot.


Many times, beginners and learners confuse the scoring system for bowling, particularly the spares and strikes. The bowling scoring system is unclear and miscalculations can lead to incorrect final scores which could be detrimental to your future. To achieve a better goal and better results, it is important to be familiar with all aspects of the scoring process and bowling lingo.

Strike vs Spare F.A.Q.

  • How are strikes and spares scored?

    A strike is when you hit all 10 pins within the first frame. How to score: A strike is worth 10 points and the sum of your next two shots. A spare is awarded to anyone who knocks down all 10 pins in a frame using both shots.

    James Alston

    Sound engineer is my profession and bowling is a hobby, sport, and my great passion. Have plenty of memorable moments, experience, and frequently testing new bowling balls.

  • What does a spare mean in bowling?

    Spare: A “spare” means that no pins remain after the second frame. This means that a player can use both frames to clear all ten pins. A player who scores a spare gets ten points and a bonus of whatever the next ball brings (only the first one is counted).

    James Alston

    Sound engineer is my profession and bowling is a hobby, sport, and my great passion. Have plenty of memorable moments, experience, and frequently testing new bowling balls.

  • What is 4 strikes in a row called?

    A number is attached to the word “bagger” to indicate a longer string of strikes. This could be “four-bagger” for four consecutive strikes. A “hambone” was likely an ancestor of bowling’s early days when food prizes were given to winners.

    James Alston

    Sound engineer is my profession and bowling is a hobby, sport, and my great passion. Have plenty of memorable moments, experience, and frequently testing new bowling balls.

James Alston

Sound engineer is my profession and bowling is a hobby, sport, and my great passion. Have plenty of memorable moments, experience, and frequently testing new bowling balls.

Sound engineer is my profession and bowling is a hobby, sport, and my great passion. Have plenty of memorable moments, experience, and frequently testing new bowling balls.

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